Home is where you begin!

Welcome once again! Instinct is so personal. It is within you, defining every action. It makes you the Picasso of everything you do. It narrates your life. The best part of Instinct is, it is natural. It is something that’s inborn, and no one can ever take it away. It surely can be sharpened by practice and hard work, but it can never be taken away from you.

“Instinct is a marvellous thing. It can neither be explained nor ignored.”
Agatha Christie

So why is the name of this Webspace Instincts?  Wise men told us to trust our Instincts. My inner voice told me to start writing for the people to read. My heart gave me the confidence to go ahead. I trusted all of them, I trusted my Instinct, and as an honour, I named this website Instinct.

Instincts, this website, is going to be about everything I want the world to know about me. It is a space where I am free to express my thoughts and feelings about everything I come across in my life. YES, My life is happening! I also like to take you to my world through my words, that often can be a story or a poem, whatever my pen feels at that time. On the other ground, this web space will also be used to share knowledge, spread awareness and learn new stuff! Wait, it’s not over, I will also share my favourites and inspirations here so that, my beloved readers will not have to wait for it to pop up (The Internet is all about Pop-ups and shares)  in your life.

So yeah!

Get Intrigued!

But wait! What’s Amalgam? It is my Blogspot site! I write there occasionally. The tone of write-ups there will be different from the write-ups here, no, I do not have a dual personality, it is just put that way! So go ahead read that too!